So this is my first Fill the gap Friday with Mummy Alarm so if I get it wrong I apologise!
So here goes:
Before having a baby I wish I had known…
The effects of having 2 babies would have on my body. Yes you hear of stretch marks, poor skin, hair thinning but I never thought it would happen to me!
My tummy is so bad after having Ethan it looks like an 80-year-old it so wrinkly, no seriously i’m telling the truth!
I have spots like a 15-year-old, must sort them out some how, tips & product advice appreciated.
Well my hair, where do I start?! Its thin at the best of times but it has its moments where it falls out in clumps.
So all in all I wish I had known that those things I didn’t think could happen to me, would happen to me!
But do you know what? I wouldn’t change a thing! I would have it all again and worse if it meant I had my 2 gorgeous children.