Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Sleep… its an amazing thing if you get it!


It’s a wonderful thing, something you take for granted before having kids that’s for sure.

I love my sleep, I’m an early bird but I like to have a full night’s uninterrupted night sleep. However, my children have other ideas.

Kayleigh and Ethan are double trouble, if one wakes, they wake the other. If one needs the loo, so does the other. 5 am became a time I saw so often that it became normality. Which is lovely in the summer with the light mornings and the birds tweeting away, not so nice in the winter! The became my alarm clock for work and trust me there was no chance of me buying an alarm clock anytime soon.

Then came the accident and not only was I waking at 5 am it was also taking me until the early hours to get some sleep, I suppose I may have suffered from insomnia a little. Every time I was tired I’d head to bed but the moment my head hit the pillow I was wide awake again.

I spent the night stirring too as I kept waking throughout the night through nightmares or pain. It really was the worst time for sleep just before Christmas.

Today I had some good news though as it turns out I have won an Octaspring 8000 mattress. This really has made my day as I’m still suffering from the accident and Daddy work still suffers from a bad back occasionally so this will provide some welcome relief at bedtime.

With the lighter nights and mornings coming in to play I wonder what time Kayleigh and Ethan will be waking… 6 am is a lie in for us!

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