This post was originally published back in 2013 however it is always so popular I wanted to make sure our new readers see it. This makes the perfect gift for anyone and is pretty simple to make!
Last year we brought some amazing Christmas goodies from a company which were delicious! However this year they have closed temporarily due to personal reasons (I’ve heard they are back in the new year which is fab 🙂 )
So this year I had to come up with a way of making my own Malteser Christmas Puddings as we loved these last year. Working on how I thought they were made last year I started on my own Malteser Christmas Puds.
Here is how you make your own Malteser Christmas Puddings
Step 1 :
Purchase your ingredients. At this time of the year most of the ingredients you are going to need are on offer so it’s a bargain! I found I needed just over 1 box of maltesers so you may want to purchase 2 boxes.
Step 2:
Find something suitable to hold your chocolate orange, I went with a children’s beaker as it was the most stable thing I could find!
Step 3:
Melt a little of your milk chocolate, this effectively becomes your glue. The slowly enough, that the chocolate starts to set but fast enough that the chocolate doesn’t completely set, dip each malteser into the chocolate then glue it to your chocolate orange.
Step 4:
You need to keep going with the maltesers the whole way round. It gets a bit tricky ensuring they are set enough to turn but working quick enough that your melted chocolate is still runny!
Step 5:
Once you have covered the whole chocolate orange, melt some white chocolate and cover the top of your pudding like melted cream. Decorate with your holly and berries to complete the look.
Overall I was quiet impressed with myself on the first attempt.
I won’t lie, they don’t look anywhere near as impressive as the ones I brought but with a bit of work and some fancy cellophane I think they’d make pretty cool looking home-made gifts! Amazon do round cake boards and cellophane wrap perfect for this Christmas.
If I can make these then anyone can, happy crafting this Christmas 🙂