Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

A little bit of help…

All along in our fundraising this year I’ve been lucky enough to get lots of support. Daddyvswork listening to my ranting when getting stressed about the auction, to companies donating amazing auction lots then to people donating raffle prizes.

Not to mention everyone who has kindly donated or bid on our lots boosting our fundraising,

Until today we had raised a huge £1038.13 which was way over my £500 target so I was extremely grateful not to mention please at what I had achieved.

Then today it all changed…

Where I work we have a new foundation. They are supporting seven charities they have selected in various ways but at the same time, they are supporting employees and their charities by offering you the chance to get a matching grant up to the value of £1000. I applied a few weeks ago but heard nothing so assumed I hadn’t be chosen until I checked my emails just before home time.

Not only had the selected me and were going to share my fundraising efforts company-wide but they were also granting me a matching grant for the full £1000!!!!!

This means our total so far raised for Fundraising for Findlay is a humongous £2038.13.


Tonight I feel just so overwhelmed, I had never thought that little old me could achieve so much on my own. Yes, I’ve had support but all the promotion and leg work and planning was done by me and I’m proud the Findlay and Iona will be able to get more of the much-needed equipment thanks to something I’ve done.

A little bit of help goes a long way and for that, I thank everyone who has helped me achieve this!

If you still want to donate then there is still time over on our justgiving page

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