Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

All Grown Up

This week has been yet another manic week in the household with me starting my course and work etc however i’ve realised this week Kayleigh isn’t a baby anymore, she’s a little girl.

We’ve been talking about her starting a hobby and looked into ballet, gymnastics and pony riding and it was only then that it hit me she would soon be going off to school!

My baby is going to be 4!!!

Today we faced another new thing, she went for her first haircut at the hairdressers. Until now I have been trimming it at home however it needed to be cut properly so off we went to get this done. She wasn’t keen at first but soon got into it and loved a little bit of pampering (even if I did have to bribe her into the chair) we even ended up buying some nail polish of her choice (bright red! ) to do our nails tomorrow.

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As much as I love the fact she is growing into a little person, it also makes me sad. I’m sad to think that if the years are going so fast now it wont be long till she is a teenager or an adult and won’t need me anymore. Sad to think that the time we have sharing our love of baking is likely to go being replaced for nights out with her friends, I want to keep her with me for a little longer.

I’m not sure I’m ready for my little girl to grow up yet!


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