Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

At that career cross roads…

For me personally I don’t work because I enjoy it or I need to have that me time, I work for the necessity that we need me to work and bring in some cash to help keep the house ticking over.

However I’m now at that point in my career when I no longer want to work in finance and I can’t see me working in it until I am at retirement age but I’ve been in finance for so long I’m not sure what I want to do or how to go about it.

In an ideal world I’d be working for myself writing and maybe working online social media for a couple of brands. I am however realistic and know there are probably thousands of others out there that would like to be doing the same. Its time for me to try and stand out in a very big crowd, something I hate doing.

I’ve also looked into selling things online or these franchises type options however none really seem like a viable option for to give up a career that pays ok and risk it all.

One thing I do know is that since the wedding something has gone off inside me that has made me even more determined than I was before to get out of finance and to find a career that I really enjoy.

I’m going to try and get back into the blogosphere more (so if you blog leave a link in the comments so I can come by and visit) and be posting more regular not only about our life but about our health and fitness we are about to take on plus we’ve just brought a new slow cooker so I’m excited to be able to blog about new recipes as well as so much other stuff that we will be getting up to.

2015 started exciting and now I want to make sure it stays that way!

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