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Baby Hip Health Week,10th – 17th March 2012

Date for the diary : STEPS Baby Hip Health Week from Saturday 10th  – Saturday 17th March 2012  

As part of the newborn infant physical examination programme every baby gets their hips checked at birth and the six to eight week check. However, most parents and health professionals do not realise the implications if a problem with the hips is not picked up. 

Dislocated hips are not visible or painful and can go undiagnosed as the hip tests are not 100% accurate. Even if the hips appear to be normal it is important to be aware of signs that might mean there is a problem. The signs parents should look out for include:

  •          one leg appearing shorter than the other
  •          an extra deep crease on the inside of the thigh or buttocks
  •          crawling with one leg dragging or walking with a limp or a waddle.   
  •          one leg does not seem to move outwards as fully as the other or both legs seem restricted.

Whilst these signs are not conclusive, they may indicate the need for further investigation.

Chloe was only diagnosed at 3 and half years old, her mother says, “I was told there was nothing wrong with Chloe’s hips even through she had different leg lengths. But I persisted – call it a mother’s instinct – and the condition was finally diagnosed.”

If you are concerned your child has a hip problem please seek advice from your GP or Health Visitor immediately since treatment is usually less complex the earlier it is started.


  • Host a ‘Put the Kettle on’ fundraising event whereby you hold a tea/coffee morning at home, work or in the community to spread the word about baby hip health and help raise vital funds at the same time
  • Distribute the STEPS award winning leaflet on Baby Hip Health to your local surgery or clinic
  • Get your story featured in a local magazine or newspaper to raise awareness. Alternatively send us your story and we will try and get media coverage for you.

Anyone wishing to get further advice,  tell their story to the media, distribute leaflets or wanting to host a “Put the Kettle on” event, please contact the STEPS Helpline on 01925 750271 or email 

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