Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Beef Bourguignon

Family and friends are a big part of everyday life however even in this current day so many of the older generation are suffering from loneliness with many of them being isolated from their communities.

Sunrise Senior Living are helping the charity Campaign to End Lonelessness raise awareness of this and help the forgotten about generation be integrated back in to every day life.

It is so sad to think that people give so much into everyday life and when they grow old they sometimes become left to their own devices and loneliness can set in. Sunrise offer a whole host of services for the elderly including person centered dementia care but they also have lots of great advice on their site including some of their amazing meals (one of which is included below!)

I am probably the first to admit I don’t give enough time to my elder relatives, life always seems to get in the way. I always ask my parents about them and check they are ok but I know going forward I should make it more of a priortity to pop in myself, even if its only for 10 minutes.

We do however see our parents on a more regular basis and one thing that has come up since our holiday to Butlins last year we try to have a games night with my parents and younger brother once a month. Again although we speak on the phone regularly, everyone is really busy so we struggle to catch up more often so these nights mean we can have a catch up, play cards and other games and have some fun.

If you know of an elderly family member, friend or neighbour, why not invite them round for a cup of tea or something to eat. That 30 minutes to you could mean the world to them.


We received a game and compensation for the ingredients for this post however all words are our own.

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