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The best family films for Easter

The Easter break is here and the kids are off school for the next two weeks so what is a good way to entertain them without breaking the bank?

In our house we go for something super simple like a film day where we shut the curtains, put some popcorn in our popcorn machine and turn the surround sound on to give us that movie experience, if you are lucky enough to have a Panasonic 4K TV then you will be in full home cinema mode.

So you have set the scene in your home cinema, have the all important popcorn ready to go but what films will be top of your wish list this Easter?

We enjoy watching lots of different genre of films but try to watch one or two that match the occasion that’s on too!

Here is our favourite selection of films to watch as a family this Easter:

Hop –

It is and always will be one of my favourite films. As a family we love this and it has a great mixture of adult and children’s humour, plus what’s not to like about EB appearing on your screen at Easter?

The Good Dinosaur –

We saw this film for the first time last weekend and the kids loved it. It is one of best animated kids films I have ever seen and Disney and Pixar did an amazing job! One the whole family will love!

Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier –

This one is obviously dependant on your little ones age but our two love all the Marvel films and this one was no different. Ethan loved it and can’t wait for the next one to come out!

Star Wars: The Force Awakens –

Ok this one isn’t technically out on DVD yet but will be in a few weeks and I would put it up there with a must watch! We went for a very rare cinema trip to watch this and loved it! We are however big Star Wars fans in this house with us watching the other 6 movies in the week before we went to see this one!

So these are our top picks of family movies this Easter but what is your favourite film to watch with the family?

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