Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Blooming at school

Kayleigh has been in reception class for 4 weeks now.

She doesn’t really say too much about school, usually just “I can’t remember” however over the last few weeks she has been telling us more and more. Which is a relief as she wanted to invite her new friends to her birthday party.

Everyday I check her homework bag for newsletters and her artwork and on Friday I did the same, except this time there was something a little different in there.

I called Daddy Vs Work to have a look before I asked Kayleigh what it was.

This is what we had found.


I asked Kayleigh what it was, she proudly stood and told us in assembly in front of the whole school she heard her name called out and had to go and collect her certificate.

She had been selected by her teacher to receive a little recognition.

We are so proud.

I was a little worried about her starting school but I shouldn’t have. She is blooming at school and everyday she comes home with a bit more confidence and knowledge.

She may be growing up but she will always be our little baby, even if it’s a very clever one!

Well done Kayleigh, we are so proud of you!

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