Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Building up to a finalie!

o you ever get that feeling when you’re juggling so many things that it’s got to come to the end soon? I always have this feeling, no matter how much planning I seem to do I always have so much to do, then still take more on!

You probably remember me talking about starting my studies back in March & now its coming to its climax. Next week see’s the end of my classes which then lead onto the revision courses before the exams in June.

Failing is not a optition.

I have 11 exams & they are all important. Not only can I not afford to fail them as I’m not prepared to sit back on this course. I have to get through these with the highest marks I can. You see at the same time as doing the course I am also sitting a BSc degree alongside it. This requires high marks to get a great degree classification, so where as 50 marks (50%) of the paper will get me a pass I’m aiming for mid 60’s at least. Then there is the two paper coursework I need to provide, a 6500 word Research Report and a 2500 word Skills and Learning statement which needs to be presented to a mentor by the end of my exams. I will qualify before i hit 30!

In the words of Danuta Tomasz from Cognita, all I can do is not despair and try my absolute hardest to succeed!

So June 11th is D-Day (number 1) plus the start of a hectic 2 week period!

11th – Exam number 1 – Performance Management!

13th & 14th – Study leave, house to myself to swat up on law cases.

15th – Ethan’s 2nd Birthday! Plus it’s also the pre-school fundraiser day!

18th – Exam 2 – Business Law!

24th – Race for Life – If you can sponsor me it would be very much appreciated, read all about it here 🙂

27th – picnic in the Park – I’m taking my Made For Mum’s neighbourhood to the mass public at an event in the local park, but also I am raising money for the local hospice. With the full backing of Made For Mum’s we’re promoting ourselves at the event whilst hoping to raise a lot of money for a hospice which I feel deserves so much more than I am probably going to raise. I will write a bit more about this on its own as it deserves its own post.

Then I will have reached that climax where I have nothing planned after that.

In fact I probably will need a break, however I have a 1 year blog celebration to plan before I then celebrate my birthday, so no rest for the wicked. Plus my exam results are out on my birthday, bad luck there!

I really don’t know what I’m going to do after June in all honesty. At the moment I can just about keep my head above water whilst juggling everything then to lose it all is going to be a bit strange! I suppose i should enjoy the peace before the studies start again 🙂

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