Today is the day by blog takes a change of direction.
Come January I’llĀ be back to studying and that combined with work and two young children means my blog is going to get little of my time. So I’ve come to the conclusion that the main body of my blog will be just that me blogging š
Don’t get me wrong I’veĀ loved the chance to do reviews and competitions (who wouldn’t!)Ā but it seems to have taken up so much of my blogging time that I’veĀ lost the whole reason IĀ started blogging, to share our day-to-day life and experiences.
I still have a few great reviews to come up and of course there is my great Mum’s Gift GuideĀ that will be packed full of ideas, reviews, competitions and discounts to help you get that ideal present for your mum! Plus I will still be doing the occasional review if its relevant to my two monkeys and competitions because lets face it, everyone loves a competition!
So today is the start of a new blogging chapter, I just hope there is someone left reading this to join me!