So our for our Charity of the Year I mentioned we was going to not only raise awareness for Fundraising for Findlay but also try to raise as much money as possible for them.
The best way I could think of this other than keep sharing their just giving page and wristband page was to hold an online auction.
On July 27th at 8pm our auction will start and run till 8pm on August 3rd. After a quick discussion on our facebook page we’ve decided against setting it up as a separate page on Facebook but are considering setting it up on our page or maybe even eBay, more on this nearer the time!
Findlay and his sister Iona are in need of new equipment and the small list alone is going to cost over £15,000! So every little bit does really help.

All the company’s and brands who are supporting us are being featured here on the log for the whole of 2013 as a little thank you for their support and donation.
We still need lots of donations if we are to make this successful so if you can donate something or know someone that can, get in touch. We would be very grateful for any support we can get.
Also if your a blogger or publisher and want to share our auction nearer the time please do! As much word of mouth to raise as much money as possible is needed!
Thank you!