Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Chasing my own tail….

Wow… its December already. Where has 2014 gone?!

I’ve lost my blog a bit along the way over the last few months due to being too busy and publishing the things I’ve been chased for so apologises there.

Lets start again.

Hi Blog, I’m Paula, your author, creator and decision maker.

We’ve kind of lost out way recently on the blog as I’ve not had the time to dedicate to you and what you were originally for, recording our memories.

With the most amazing year to come with us getting married, my 30th and an adventure back to Lanzarote, I want to go back to what this blog was first started for.

I’m extremely grateful that this blog has become as big as it is but sometimes the emails become a bit overwhelming and I say yes to things before I actually sit and work out the logistics of things! Building to a back log of posts and no motivation to get them finished.

So come 2015 we will still have our reviews/competitions and guest posts but these will hopefully only take up 30% of the space on the blog the rest will be our adventures and some of my photos I capture.

Sunrise - Mummy Vs Work Sunrise - Mummy Vs Work Sunrise - Mummy Vs Work

I hope you will stick around for an exciting 2015 coming, its going to be amazing!

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