Coming back from a blogging break

Coming back from a blogging break

Sometimes in life everything gets a little too much and you need to take a step back and evaluate what really matters and that’s what I’ve been doing lately.

Work has been manic and we’ve had so much going on over the last month or so I don’t even know where to begin in writing it down, so I’m not going to… not just yet.

I’ve decided that I blog better when its more “freestyle” rather than all being spilled onto a page for stats or to meet a weekly quota on blog posts so that’s what I intend to do for the coming months.

With so much pressure put on bloggers being told what they should do to “make it”, I just needed time away to think. The internet is an amazing thing, its the place where we can learn and share so much but it can be a tough place to.

There can be so much negative, its hard to see the postitives.

The break has given me time to free myself from thinking I need to do blog posts that “required” of me and made me think more about what I want to achieve and where I want to be with it in a few years and I can’t wait to get started!

No Regrets


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