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Dear Ethan…Happy 11th birthday!

Dear Ethan…Happy 11th birthday!

Dear Ethan,

Happy 11th birthday sweetheart.

As the day draws to an end, it is hard to believe that you are already 11. Where have those years gone?

The last year has pretty much passed in a blur, Covid has stopped so many things and made us all have to take a step back. Last year your birthday was in the middle of lockdown 1 and you were not able to do very much. At least this year you are able to have a couple of friends over after school and have a bit of a gaming night.

You haven’t asked for very much, like always. Although you have a birthday list this year, there is nothing extravagant on there as always. The thing is, you have everything you really want anyway as all you want to do is play Fortnite online with your friends to chill out.

Come September, things change again as you make the transition into high school. It is a big jump, for you and for us, but I know you will be fine. There may be a few challenges along the way as we transition into the whole high school era, however, like usual I’m sure you will take it in your stride.

Nothing has changed since last year though when it comes to food, you are still as fussy as always! Here’s to hoping as you move closer to the teenage years, that may become a little less.

You have a good heart, always worrying about others, just remember to look after yourself too! Focus on those things that are important to you and make sure you try your hardest this year.

We hope you have had the most amazing birthday sweetheart, you deserve it.

Lots of love

Mummy, Daddy & Kayleigh xx

Dear Ethan...Happy 11th birthday! Dear Ethan...Happy 11th birthday! Dear Ethan...Happy 11th birthday! Dear Ethan...Happy 11th birthday! Dear Ethan...Happy 11th birthday! Dear Ethan...Happy 11th birthday! Dear Ethan...Happy 11th birthday! Dear Ethan...Happy 11th birthday! Dear Ethan...Happy 11th birthday!