Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Dear Kayleigh… Happy 12th Birthday!

Dear Kayleigh… Happy 12th Birthday!

Dear Kayleigh,

Happy 12th birthday sweetheart!

It’s not quite the birthday you were expecting, in fact even now, you are still pretty annoyed that you can’t have your sleepover! We’ve followed the rules, left the house for work, food and school only and even 7 months after it all started your birthday celebrations are now quite what we planned.

However, it doesn’t matter. We are going to make the most of the situation we are now in.

This last year has been different, they always were going to be as you started high school. You missed out on so many things though from your last day in junior school, your leaver’s assembly, year 6 celebration week and even your SAT’s. There were no transition days, no practice runs of days in high school either. Then September rolled around and you found yourself in high school, a school 3 times as big as your old school and a rotating timetable which was all new.

As expected though you took it all in your stride. You’ve settled in amazingly and are making new friends along the way.

Over the last year, you have grown up so much, long gone are your baby days and your teenage years are just around the corner. You are growing in confidence every day and your passion for art has grown.

In school, your favourite lessons are all the practical lessons such as art, dance, drama and PE. From someone who was so shy as a toddler, you have grown into this confident young lady.

Just remember to keep being you and following your dreams. Don’t let others put you off what you would really like to achieve, just keep being you.

Have the most amazing birthday sweetheart.

Lots of love

Mummy and Daddy xx

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