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Dear Kayleigh… The day you turned 10!

Dear Kayleigh… The day you turned 10!

Dear Kayleigh,

Happy 10th birthday sweetheart.

Today you have hit double figures and it is scary how fast your childhood is whizzing past. It just seems like yesterday you were born, turning us into parents. Then those first few years flew by and before we knew it you were starting school.

Now look at today, you are 10 and already in year 5 at school!

Every day you become that little bit more independent, now most days you are happy to get your own breakfast and lunch. You no longer need us to help you do that for you, you’ve even started help to cook dinner some nights. I encourage you to take part when we are cooking, even if you are clumsy like me and I worry you are about to chop your finger off! After all, you won’t learn life skills if you do not get the chance to try things out.

This year you have gained so much confidence in the swimming pool too with your abilities just growing every lesson, I would even say you are probably a better swimmer than me!

You are still loving school, at a recent parents evening, your teacher said you were like a sponge in her class. If she was explaining something or giving any instructions she knew she wouldn’t need to repeat them to you as you just absorb everything.

We have discussed lots what you would like to do when you grow up but you keep changing your mind, so far its been a vet, a doctor, working in a laboratory discovering cures to name a few.

To be honest, daddy and I will be proud no matter what you do. All we want you to do is try your hardest at everything you do and enjoy the career that you pick.

Enjoy your birthday sweetheart and just carry on being you, we are super proud of you every day!

Lots of love Mummy & Daddy xx

Dear Kayleigh... The day you turned 10! IMG 4378

Dear Kayleigh... The day you turned 10! IMG 4954 IMG 3672

Dear Kayleigh... The day you turned 10!

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