Dear Kayleigh,
This weekend has been a little bit of a whirlwind whilst lots was going on it was also your 7th birthday and you couldn’t wait!
For weeks we have been counting down to the day and when it arrived, it was perfect.
You woke up excited that it was your big day and couldn’t wait to get into school to tell all your friends it was your birthday, you got spoilt by family and friends and topped the weekend off with an amazing Halloween fancy dress bowling party for you and 15 friends!
I know it I say it every year but the years are really flying by. I can’t believe that you are 7 already!?
This year has been a huge learning curve for your, your reading and writing has come on leaps and bounds and you are learning so many different things such as science and history. You are like a sponge, absorbing everything that is going on around you.

You’ve also been learning to swim, you are so close and can swim unaided a little so by Christmas I have no doubt you will be swimming unaided.
At the minute your also doing tennis lessons, this started after you was invited to a class following a PE lesson and since then you’ve carried on. You have a real competitive streak in you though and hate it if it doesn’t go your way.
Just before Christmas you lost your first tooth and since then lots more which mean’s the tooth fairy has been very busy, you seem to think you should get £1 the first tooth, £5 the 2nd and then £10 etc and so on….
I can’t tell you how proud we are as there just isn’t a word in the dictionary that even comes close to it. Every day you make us laugh and smile and super proud.
Keep being that amazing little girl that you are.
Mummy & Daddy xxx