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Exploring STEM Subjects in the Home

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STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and covers all topics that fall under that umbrella, like Psychology to Physics. STEM subjects intend to inspire today’s generation of young people to explore a variety of different interests that open up lots of incredible opportunities in the future. Parents can introduce their children to STEM subjects from a young age, as explored by a private school in Hertfordshire throughout this article.

The main aim is to stimulate your child’s brain with various activities in the home. Encourage them to be inquisitive and ask lots of questions, but rather than telling them the answers, help them discover the answer for themselves. One method for exploring STEM is to take your child on a country walk and teach them about how the seasons affect the trees and plants, and how trees and plants are valuable to human life. Something as simple as doing a jigsaw together could be classified as exploring STEM because it encourages your child to solve problems.

Next time you’re cooking a meal, ask your child to get involved and help you measure out the ingredients. You can teach them to convert between imperial and metric measurements and how to calculate how long each part of the meal needs to go in the microwave or oven. You don’t have to necessarily do anything out of the ordinary with your child in order to explore STEM. Simply talking to them more about how things work, like the engine in the car, will get them thinking more critically about the world around them. Essentially, the trick is to get your child to use their brain rather than just watch TV or play on their tablets.

There’s not really a better time to start exploring STEM subjects than when your son or daughter is young. They need to understand the connections between each of the subjects and why they are crucial in the real world. Most schools integrate these subjects naturally in their curriculum, so you could consider asking your child’s teacher for some more advice on how you can help at home. Ask them for an outline of the curriculum so you can explore the same topics at home where possible. By reinforcing their abilities, they should be highly proficient by the time they attend Sixth Form and University if they end up going.

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