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Should I Choose Home Teeth Whitening or Dental In-Office Teeth Whitening?

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If you feel that your teeth are looking rather yellow and unattractive, you may feel like it is time to have a teeth whitening procedure done to brighten up your smile.

However, you may be torn between using a home teeth whitening kit or visit a London dentist to have professional teeth whitening treatment process done.

Firstly, it can be helpful to understand how teeth whitening treatments work and what active ingredients are used to achieve the whitening results.

Active ingredients used in whitening products

While there are many different products available online that you can use at home to brighten up your teeth from teeth whitening kits to whitening strips, toothpaste, charcoal powders and even whitening pens and lights, pretty much all of these options will not be nearly as effective or as quick-acting to get the results you want than going for professional treatments with your dentist.

You need to remember that all teeth whitening kits will contain a peroxide solution. The whitening agents contained in these various strips and gels will vary according to the strength of the peroxide used in the formula.

Many over the counter whitening strips, for example, may contain as little as 10% peroxide solution so it may take many treatments to see an effect, which can turn out to be very expensive when you need to keep on buying packs of whitening strips for weeks or months on end.

Professional teeth whitening treatments are more effective

While you may be tempted by the low cost and convenience of using an over the counter teeth whitening treatment at home, visiting your dentist for professional teeth whitening treatments can not only be far more effective, they can also be much quicker to deliver the results you want and they are also safer.

The whitening agents used by your dentist will be much stronger than what you can buy over the counter, plus your dentist will be able to do a thorough oral examination to ensure that you don’t have any hidden dental issues that would make using a whitening kit dangerous.

If you want to whiten your smile in anticipation of an up and coming important event, such as getting married where you want a bright white smile for your wedding photos and wedding film, then it will always be best to consult your dentist first.

Your dentist will be able to assess your oral health and work out a whitening plan that could involve you visiting your dentist for laser whitening sessions or using a prescribed at-home kit that your dentist will provide and is perfectly moulded to fit your teeth.

Your teeth whitening options

At Glow Dental there are several different teeth whitening options open to you. After an examination, you can discuss the best options for you that will be the most effective.

One of the most popular methods is to use a home whitening kit where a strong whitening gel is applied to the teeth for as little as 30 minutes per day for a couple of weeks.

Another option may be to use the Enlighten system. This involves using a home teeth whitening kit plus an in-surgery whitening appointment to guarantee the brightest B1 level of whiteness (the whitest shade you can get).