Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

How Can I Treat Myself as a Working Mum?

#Collaborative post

As a working mother, it can be difficult to spare the time to properly treat yourself. You might undertake some of your work from within the home, attempting to balance this between the care your children require. Alternatively, you may need to work outside of your home to fulfil orders, liaise with clients, or even attend a working shift. This may mean that you utilise childcare, or even education, to allow you to spend time at work. Following this, you may have other responsibilities that don’t allow you to spend copious amounts of time thinking about yourself.

While you may spend a lot of your money on the upkeep of your home, bills, and the items that your children need or desire, there is no shame in holding a bit of that cash back to treat yourself. Although shopping physically may not be feasible, or even something you enjoy, flicking through online retailers can be quite a pleasant experience. Buying yourself some jewellery online from Chisholm Hunter means that you could take those few minutes to look for something that you would enjoy wearing, and then also have the excitement of knowing that, in a matter of days, you could receive a parcel of items solely for you. As long as the item is within your budget, you may be able to gain a physical reminder of all the hard work you put into both financial stability and parenting.

You may have opted to bring up your child using gentle parenting, nurturing them rather than being overly critical. However, it may be that you do not extend that same level of kindness to yourself. Sometimes, a good treat that you can give yourself could be to practice a bit more patience towards yourself. This could help you to feel less anxious or stressed, which can be important when you have an overly hectic schedule. While you may want to ensure that your home, appearance, and even working tasks are all up to standard, it can be good to acknowledge that you are human and that some things take time. Treating yourself with kindness and patience could really help you to feel better about the person you are.

Another important way you can treat yourself can be having designated time for yourself.  This may be slightly more difficult with younger children, meaning you might need to utilise naptime. For older children or even teens, you could make it a rule that, at a set time each day, Mum gets to relax. This may even be for only 5 or 10 minutes but could allow you to decompress from the pressures of the day.

What do you think?

Treating yourself isn’t about being overly selfish. Instead, it can be about taking the time to realise how much you do for those around you, and even to find ways to help keep you motivated and feeling good about yourself.

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