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How to keep your baby healthy

It is a priority for every parent to ensure their baby stays as healthy as possible. However, this can be more difficult that it would first appear. Babies can be fragile, and extra care must be taken to make sure they are growing up to be fit and strong.

What steps can you take to guarantee your baby’s health? The necessary measures can be different and more involved than those for older children. If you’re a new parent and feel like you could use some guidance, we’ve put together some top tips for keeping your baby healthy. Keep reading to check them out.

Take them for checkups

While keeping your baby starts at home and the responsibility is certainly the parent’s, taking them to see a doctor for regular checkups is important for staying on top of things. Doctor’s will regularly review babies to check that they are developing properly, but don’t be hesitant to book your baby in for an additional doctors visit if you feel something is amiss or needs clarified.

Childhealthy offer a range of paediatric services, including vaccinations, health checks, newborn examinations, and 6–8-week reviews. Contact them for more advice on the best health choices for your baby.

Practice good hygiene

Babies are often prone to infections and sickness, due to their new, underdeveloped immune system. Practicing good hygiene around the home and while out with your baby is crucial to stop them picking up too many bugs or infections.

Make sure you wash your hands before handling your baby and encourage friends and other family members to do the same. However, babies do need to develop their immune system, with exposure to germs the best way to do so. While practicing good hygiene is an essential part of ensuring your baby stays healthy, remember that it’s a balancing act, so don’t go overboard.

Introduce a balanced diet

A baby’s diet is vital for allowing them to get all the vitamins and nutrients required for healthy growth and development. For the first few months of a baby’s life, breastmilk or baby formula is all they should need. However, as they get older, you can start to introduce a more varied and balanced diet.

After they are four months old, you can give them single grain cereals mixed with milk to build up their iron. After six months, you can introduce pureed fruits like bananas or pears, or pureed vegetables like carrots or peas. Adding variety to your baby’s diet will not only benefit their health but will make mealtimes more enjoyable for them as well.


For new parents, keeping a baby healthy can seem like a constant worry. However, avoid making it more stressful than it needs to be. With a few relatively simple steps, you can ensure your baby grows and develops properly into a strong and fit child.

Practice good hygiene around the home, introduce a balanced diet at the appropriate time, and take them for regular checkups at the doctor to stay on top of their health.


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