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How to Motivate Your Kids to Learn

#This is a collaborative post

If you want your child to do well in school you will need to be involved in their education, providing motivation and support, praising their efforts and hard work and offering helpful advice when necessary. Your involvement will essentially act as an incentive for them to do their best. If, on the other hand, you pay no mind to your child’s education and you don’t pass comment when they pass or fail a test, they probably won’t bother trying. A prep school in the South West have put together the following advice to help parents understand the best ways to motivate their kids.

Firstly, you’ll need to demonstrate a positive attitude towards education around your child so that they develop the same outlook. Seek opportunities for learning within your family unit and try to promote an atmosphere of reading, as this will help your kids with their spelling, grammar and general vocabulary. Let your child choose their own books and be sure to talk about the narrative and the characters with them.

Try and put your youngster in the driver’s seat as much as possible when it comes to their education to allow them to have an element of control over their own learning. For instance, if they are joining a new extra-curricular club, let them decide which one to join rather than forcing them down a particular path. The same applies when the time comes to choose their GCSEs and A Levels; let them make some of their own choices otherwise they will never enjoy learning, it will just feel like a chore!

Avoid focussing on your child’s performance and their grades. Instead, ask them about what they’re learning in each class and whether or not they enjoy it or find it interesting. If you concentrate on their results and they receive a poor grade, they will feel demotivated. The aim is to cultivate a love of learning rather than on grades. With that said it’s also a good idea to praise your child when you notice that they are working hard and putting in the effort, to encourage them to continue trying their best.

Try and make every day a learning day. This is a lot easier than it sounds. You could discuss the different parts of the car and how the engine works when you’re on the way to school. You could bake a cake and ask your child to measure the ingredients and work out how long it needs to be in the oven. Next time you go on a walk talk about how the different seasons affect the plants and animals. There are plenty of opportunities for learning that can be enjoyable for all.

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