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Keeping Children amused during the holidays

When your kids are off school it can often be difficult to come up with enough to do that will keep them entertained. If they’re not off playing with friends, why not try and get them involved in one of these activities.

Fun with food

If you’ve got the right recipe, cooking with your kids can be huge fun for everyone involved. You might want to make cupcakes, have them help make dinner, create some wacky new treats or you could even get them involved with snacks for a party – check out these Kraft recipes for inspiration.

Keep an eye on your children as they cook, especially if you need to use knives at any point. You might want to leave them to decorating things like cookies and cupcakes while you get on with the baking part.

Movie day

Do you and your kids fancy catching up on all the Harry Potter films, or maybe you fancy a Toy Story marathon. Whatever you choose, it’s a good way to keep the kids quiet while you dip in and out as your schedule allows.

Get outside

You might decide to spend some time in your garden or get out into the wider world. Kids’ activities can be so expensive but there are plenty of ways you can create your own fun while out and about.

If you have older children who love to play outside then you should consider geocaching. It’s much like a big treasure hunt with geocaches hidden all over the world. There are probably many in your area that you never even knew were there.

All you need is a GPS device or smartphone so you know where the caches are located. From there you’ll have to hunt, solve clues and more to finally get your hands on what you’re looking for.

The larger caches may have goodies inside (such as trading cards, plastic jewellery and little toys) but the real joy is in the hunt.

Check out your local museum

During the holidays a lot of museums will have special events running to help entertain the kids. This is a great way for the children to interact with others, have a bit of fun and learn something in the process too. You can either join them in these activities or have a look around the museum yourself – you might find you learn something too!

Have a day of arts and crafts

Stock up on paints, paper, glitter, wool, card and more artistic items, so you can enjoy a day of crafts with your kids. Encourage them to paint and get creative, and then move onto something like jewellery or model making. The options here are endless but Pinterest is a great source of inspiration.

Build a fort

When was the last time you built a fort? If the weather is nice, get out in the garden. If it’s not, use whatever indoor furniture you have at your disposal for your fort. Once it’s made, your kids will have hours of fun playing in it.

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