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How to Make 2018 Your Healthiest Year Yet

How to Make 2018 Your Healthiest Year Yet

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Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Fed up with fighting those few extra pounds? Have you had enough of feeling less healthy than you really should be at your age? It’s time to turn things around by making 2018 yo0ur healthiest year yet!

Onboard? Here are some simple tips to get you started:

Schedule Check-Ups and Screenings

Whatever your age, you should never be blase about your health. So, if you can’t even remember the last time you visited the dentist or had the doctor check your blood pressure and a few other basics, now might be a good time to change that. As well as getting your general health checked out, you might want to finally book that health screening test that you’ve been putting off too.

Download a Doctor

While we’re on the subject of doctors, if you’re one of those people who avoid seeing yours because it simply isn’t convenient, download a Dr App Online and you’ll never have to put off getting the medical advice you need again. At the touch of a button, you’ll be able to speak to a trained GP who can help you, anywhere, anytime.

Buy a Healthy Eating Cookbook

How to Make 2018 Your Healthiest Year Yet

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It doesn’t matter what kind of cuisine you enjoy; you will be able to find a cookbook that has lots of healthy recipes that will appeal to your taste buds. Have a browse, buy at least one healthy cookbook that appeals to you and schedule the time to shop for and prepare a healthy dinner every evening. Doing this one simple things will help you to lose weight if you need to, maintain your trim figure if you don’t, and ensure that you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals to maintain your health.

Schedule Active Time

You don’t have to join the gym or sign up to run a marathon, but if you want this year to be your healthiest yet, you do need to be more active. I find that, if you schedule time for activity, you’re more likely to get on and do it. So, clear at least 30 minutes a day for yoga, walking, running, or whatever takes your fancy and gets your heart-rate up, and stick to the schedule!

Make More Time for Sleep

No matter how busy you are, no matter how many things you have to do, you need to make getting between 7 and 9 hours sleep a night a priority. Why? Because people who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to be obese, develop diabetes, suffer from stress and depression, anxiety and even develop heart problems. Sleep is so important.

Learn How to Relax

Whether you take a meditation class, get into adult colouring books, do yoga or enjoy a good book and a cup of tea, you need to learn what helps you to relax and do a little of it every day if you want to avoid stress, burnout and various other mental health issues, as well as physical aches and pains in 2018.

Here’s to a healthy 2018!

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