#Collaborative post
With the world becoming more and more accessible to many of us, it is easy to go and see the world and all it has to offer, away from the UK. However, the UK has so many amazing outdoor spaces to visit, you don’t need to look that far to find something amazing on our own doorstep.
One of my favourite things to do with the kids and dogs is taking them to our local National Trust woodland, Ashridge. Not only is it great just to get out and about, but it also seems to be different every time we go there. Some of my favourite pictures I have taken of the kids have been over at Ashridge, as the seasons change there is so much to discover.
There is events and activities on all year round as it is National Trust property, we have done things such as egg hunts and nature walks. It is also great for taking the dogs for a walk and having picnics in the summer, the fresh air does us all good. Even in the winter though it is a beautiful place to visit, with so much to discover, you find something new every time you visit.

Another thing I love to do with the kids, especially in the winter when it snows is getting outdoors and building a snowman. We don’t have a huge garden however the kids (and the dogs!) love getting out in fresh snow and making it into their winter wonderland. It is such a simple thing however, one that they talk about now, even though we’ve not had snow for a while. I love the way that the kids favourite memories are those of things that don’t cost a penny. It may seem so simple to us, yet to them, it is the most magical thing to do.
So if you are planning on getting outdoors more to take part in fun activities, maybe you should start looking a little closer to home. The UK has so much to offer, we sometimes tend to overlook what is just on our doorstep.
Even with the weather a little wetter now, there are still some magical places to go and visit. Regatta Outdoors has a map of some of the UK’s best outdoor events and activities to visit. One I would love to do is a trip to see the Northern Lights. They are just amazing and I would love the chance to spend a night under the stars watching the amazing colours lighting up the sky. However, there is no need to head abroad for this, we have some perfect locations in the UK to watch these.
There are lots of other great things to do such as Polar Express, ice skating and Christmas markets too. With lots of us soon to have some time off work, now is a good time to get out and about discovering some hidden treasures of the UK.
What is your favourite outdoor activity to do in the UK?