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My likes and loves: May 2018

Last month I discovered a new linky which I loved so I have decided to make more of a conscious effort to join in with A Cornish Mum’s – Liked and Loved linky to share our favourite memories from the month.

I haven’t taken much pictures this month however we have had a lot going on. Here are my favourite things from the month:


The weather has been pretty kind to us over the month of May and it has meant we could get out and enjoy a couple of BBQ’s in the sunshine. I’m not sure about anyone else but I have loved being able to sit in the garden and enjoy our meals.

My likes and loves: May 2018

New shoes

I still love my Porg shoes from Po-Zu. No matter what anyone else says, these are amazing and super comfortable. You can check out my review here if you like them!

My likes and loves: May 2018

Tooth fairy visits

Both Kayleigh and Ethan have lost teeth this month. Even though Kayleigh is 9 ½ and Ethan is about to turn 8 they still believe in Santa and the Tooth fairy (well at least I think they do!). Kayleigh wrote the Tooth fairy this super cute letter when she lost her tooth.

My likes and loves: May 2018

New job

Tomorrow I start a new job. One that is local to us and term time only, giving me a better work/life balance but also one that will help push me a little more to focus on my blog etc. I can’t wait to get going on it, even if I am a little bit nervous!

Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable


Next month I will try and take a few more pictures, of late I have been a bit lazy and I have hardly taken any but I’m hoping with my new role and being term time only I will have a chance to get my camera out a bit more!

A Cornish Mum

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