Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

My princess needs a little extra help :)

Yesterday IĀ was called into the pre-school at pick up time to talk to one of the workers. Back in December they mentioned Kayleigh’s speech being a little hard to understand, it’s notĀ so much the words (as she can talk for England!) but more to do with her pronunciation.Ā At that timeĀ they said they are just going to monitor it and see how she goes then reassess it in the new year.

Yesterday they mentioned that it’s notĀ really improving as well as it couldĀ and they feel she would benefit from a bit of speech therapy and would IĀ be happy for her to be referred. Now I’mĀ glad they have been monitoring her and watching how she develops, at the same time IĀ feel a little bit guilty, as if IĀ haven’t done enough to help her develop. Now IĀ know lots of children have speech therapy and its a great thing for them, it should help KayleighĀ too as she can get frustrated if you don’tĀ understand what she is saying, although IĀ seem to understand her perfectly most days, I can see others point of view for her struggles.

The only thing now is we have to wait about 3 months as that’s the length of the waiting list, so it could be by the time she gets to her appointment that she might not need it.

It’s allĀ just a waiting and learning game at the moment, but one things for sure, I’m proud of how bright my little girl is and nothing will change that šŸ™‚

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