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Our family travel plans for the next 5 years

Our family travel plans for the next 5 years

This year due to one thing or another we have been unable to get away on our travels however it has not stopped me from looking or planning on where we would like to go soon!

I would like to give the kids the chance to see the world a little before they are too big to want to travel with us.

Our family travel plans for the next 5 years

So, here are our plans for the next 5 years (should it play out the way we would like it to)

  • Head back to Lanzarote – If you are a regular reader on the blog you will know we love Lanzarote. It is just a place I find relaxing and like a second home for us, so it is up there at the top of the list.
  • Visit Canada – There is just so much to do in Canada it has always been one of those places I would love to visit. To get a flight to Calgary is also easy to do, which when you are travelling with kids makes your life a lot easier.
  • Surprise the kids with a trip to Orlando – We were discussing the best things to do in Disney World Orlando in this post and it is still one of the things I would love to do with the kids. It would just be a magical trip for us all.
  • Go camping – The kids would like to go on a camping trip. I’m not sure if they would love it or not but maybe it could be on our things to try out!
  • A trip to the British seaside – It’s not all about travelling abroad for us. My in-laws are moving to the seaside and the kids are very excited to be able to visit nanny and grandad at the seaside!

This is just some of the places I would like to visit, there is still so much more too. I would love to take the kids to Lapland and even to see the Northern Lights. Maybe even further afield too with a trip to Australia in the future, who know’s where we may end up.


Life is too short to be spending it in one place if you can afford to get away and visit the wonders of the world.

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