Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Our week in one picture – 03/03/19

Our week in one picture – 03/03/19

Good morning and welcome back to our latest post. This week’s picture is one I captured yesterday morning whilst we were being extremely lazy.

With so much going on during the week, we tend to get to the weekends now and are really lazy. It is not always like this, there are some weekends where we have lots of plans and then others, where our only plans are what we are going to eat.

However, I’m happy with that. I know some people like to have plans on what they are doing every week or even like to get out and about every week, I, on the other hand, am quite happy to go with the mood of the house and our plans.

Like last night, for example, we have a family movie night weekly with our takeaway. We all pick a film together and just chill out and watch it with our food. Some nights we just have a film, other times like last night we just stayed snuggled up and watched The Voice after. As long as we are all together and happy, it doesn’t matter where we are doing it.

Yesterday Kayleigh was just relaxing on the sofa after breakfast and Daisy took it upon herself to join her. Daisy is a really loving dog and although she can be a bit of a pain at times there is nothing she loves more than getting on someone’s lap and just relaxing with them.

Luckily for her though Kayleigh enjoys it just as much!

Our week in one picture - 3rd March 2019

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