Over the last week I have only taken one picture.
It might not seem like a very interesting picture and to be fair, it isn’t really. However, the story it tells will always be a moment in time that we will remember.
Kayleigh is our first born and like most families, your probably can’t believe how fast time is passing by. You remember lots of the first’s as parents, the first time you saw them, their first day at school, the first time they lost a tooth.
So how can it be we are approaching our first time applying for a high school place!?
This week whilst we were out and about we picked up some new slippers in the sale. Kayleigh however is now able to by from the adult section as she has grown up so much lately, which mean’t we both got the same pair. This is probably insignificant for most people but for us it is a sign of how grown up she has become.
By the time we see the end of the year out she would have turned 11 and the high school applications will be in.
I’m not quiet sure I am ready for it all….
I know we don’t really have much choice on this and it is part of them growning up. Is there ever a point where you are ready for it?