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Our week in one picture – 17/03/19

Our week in one picture – 17/03/19

The last week and a bit have been really hard for our family as we sadly lost my nan.

Her health had deteriorated over the last few months however the news still hit hard as for some reason I was never expecting the call to come, even though in reality it always was going to come at some point.

We never did manage to take the kids up to Findhorn, where she had moved 4 years ago, however they loved sending her up little parcels and pictures. This week however I was fortunate to be able to fly up and say my goodbyes in person.

It was a tough few days and not something I really want to talk about however I do want to share where she lived and the people I met there.

Findhorn is a little village with a few pubs, cafes and a shop overlooking the bay.

The people of the village were welcoming in our time of grief, sharing their stories of my nan and the village life she loved. Nothing was ever too much for any of them as lots of them kindly let out their holiday homes for next to nothing as our family travelled up in numbers for her service.

I heard stories that made me just think, yes that was my nan all over.  It was clear to see why she loved where she lived so much and it was humbling to see so many of the village and her friends turning up for the service, she was loved by so many.

At one point after the service I had to get out of the church and just escape for a bit near the bay, one lady I had never met kindly came out and sat with me. Firstly apologising for intruding (though she wasn’t) and then sharing her stories of my nan and the village. She also told me we can’t live in the regrets of what we didn’t do but make the most of the time we do have.

These words are words that I will keep with me and remind myself of daily and also remind myself when I think of my nan.

Sleep well Nan, we will treasure our memories.

Our week in one picture - 17th March 2019

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