Our week in one picture – 22/09/19

Good evening and welcome back to a later than usual, our week in one picture.

It’s been a bit of a strange weekend filled with illness & injury. This has meant that the whole weekend has been rather subdued.

I find it really hard to relax, especially at the minute when I have so much going on work-wise and home wise. I feel guilty for taking time out when I could be doing something else. However, I managed to pull a nerve in my back at the end of the week. Over the weekend it has got worse and topped off by illness sweeping through the house, the weekend has been a bit of a write-off.

Maybe though, it was the forced break that we needed!

I have hardly taken any pictures this week either, however, the one I did take is something I am proud of.

My blog has been going over 8 years and I have never been a big blogger, I’m around but not standing out. That is fine with me and I love my little space on the internet, everything that comes with it too. Sometimes it can be frustrating though when it feels like I work lots of hours but achieve nothing.

This week though, I changed that. I had set myself a target of reaching a monthly reach on Pinterest of over 5 million by the end of the year. This week though I had smashed through the 6 million marks. I recently wrote about how I have worked on Pinterest here.

Our week in one picture - 22/09/19

Now, this varies on the impact on my blog, however, it felt like I had finally achieved something from all the effort I had put in. I have a whole host of other targets I would like to reach and in the coming weeks and months, I am going to have my head down and keep ploughing on.

I just want this blog to be the best it can be, not compared to anyone else, just the best I know I can make it.

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