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Our weekly meal plan – 01/06/20

Our weekly meal plan – 01/06/20

Good morning and welcome back to another weekly meal plan.

I hope you all enjoyed your half term and managed to get some fresh air (safely!), whether than be in the garden or out on a walk. We have enjoyed taking time to break from our routine, no school work, no requirements to have things done by a set point. Just taking time out to do what we like! Last week’s meal plan was a little all over the place, somethings that were not on the meal plan ended up being cooked and things got moved pretty much every day. However, we have cleared out some odds and sods from the freezer and the fridge. Which is a good thing really as we had a Musclefood delivery on Saturday, so we are good for meat for a few months now.

This week’s meal plan I am going to try and recreate some of our favourite takeaways at home, in a bid not only to save money but to get Ethan to eat some meals. We are hitting a bit of a wall with the fussy eating at the minute so this is my hopeful attempt to improve it.

I know they are not going to taste like the real thing, however, if I can get close that is always going to be a winner. With the weather getting warmer, I am also trying to cook meals that require minimal input once they start.

Our meal plan – 01/06/20

Monday –

Fakeaway Five Guys burger and cajun chips – I’m going to make everything from scratch including the burger rolls so looking forward to this!

Tuesday –

Chicken tikka with rice and naan bread – Slowly we are getting Ethan to eat food with a little more flavours in them, so hoping he likes this curry.

Wednesday –

Fakeaway Subway – I have brought some part-baked rolls, so my Subway store is open for orders.

Thursday –

Haddock, potatoes and vegetables – Although I can’t get Ethan to eat most recipes, he will eat fish and vegetables so this is a winner.

Friday –

Hotdogs and chips – Easy and quick, plus who doesn’t like hotdogs.

Saturday –

 Fakeaway Peri-peri chicken wraps – As we all have different tastes, I have brought the Peri-Peri sauce in a few different flavours.

Sunday –

BBQ – Fingers crossed our BBQ arrives when it is supposed to!

I am very aware there are chips on a few days plus a lot of bread this week but that is absolutely fine. We have a small stockpile of fruit to get through alongside our meals so I am happy we are getting a variety throughout the week. Also if it means mealtimes are stressfree for a week then I am all for it!

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration.

Our weekly meal plan – 01/06/20


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