Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Our weekly meal plan – 03/02/20

Our weekly meal plan – 03/02/20

Good evening and welcome back to another weekly meal plan, all be it, a little later than usual.

The weekend was spent doing a deep clean in the house so I ran out of time and in the mornings I have no chance of getting blog posts done before we are out of the door for work! I’ve lost a bit of momentum when it comes to meals lately and this week is no different, I feel a little stuck in a rut. However, in a few weeks, we are off for the half term and I am going to do a bit of research and work with the kids to come up with some meals they are actually going to enjoy!

Our meal plan – 03/02/20

Monday –

Chicken burgers and chips – I know, we had this the other week but it is one of the few meals everyone eats!

Tuesday –

Jacket potatoes and beans – Easy as I am not going to be home till late.

Wednesday –

Chicken wraps – Kayleigh’s pick for the week.

Thursday –

Spaghetti bolognaise – I’m planning to batch cook this and freeze for other meals.

Friday –

Pancakes – I keep promising the kids I will do them pancakes.

Saturday –

Out for dinner – My dad turned 60 during the week so we are all out for dinner.

Sunday –

Toad in the hole – Kayleigh and Ethan hate sausages unless they are cooked in giant Yorkshire pudding…

So there it is, nothing amazing but simple home-cooked meals to get through the week, along with a few treats.

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration.

Our weekly meal plan - 3rd February 2020



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