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Our weekly meal plan – 07/05/2018

Good morning and happy bank holiday Monday! Welcome back to our latest meal plan for what I am hoping is going to be a lovely few days of sunshine for us. I hope you have sunshine where you are.

Last week’s meal plan went ok however we did move a few things around due to the sunshine making an appearance. So, this week we may be moving things around however the basis of the meals are there.

Monday –

BBQ – There is only one thing to have on a warm bank holiday Monday!

Tuesday –.

Salmon & potatoes – Super easy but also very tasty on what is set to be a warm day.

Wednesday –

Chicken and chorizo risotto – This is a dish we are working on so it will be up on the blog soon however it tastes amazing.

Thursday –

Chilli burritos – We made an amazing chilli con carne last week and we packed it out with veg and beans. This meant we could freeze 2 portions and tonight will combine one of those with rice for some burritos.

Friday –

Pancakes – This is the kids favourite meal and it’s the start of the weekend so why not!

Saturday –

Steak and chips – We have some yummy looking steak in the freezer, combining this with homemade chunky chips in our Halo to make the perfect meal.

Sunday –

Roast/Stew – The weather is getting colder so we will head back to our favourites of roast or stew depending on the offers.

So, a week (or at least half of it!) of lovely sunshine and hopefully some delicious meals are coming our way, what is cooking in your house this week?

Don’t forget you can check out all of our meal plans here if you are looking for some inspiration for your family meals.

Our weekly meal plan 7th May 2018

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