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Our weekly meal plan – 08/12/21

Welcome back to this weeks meal plan and hopefully our first week back into some new normality. As the kids return to school and we return to work full time, I’m hoping our home becomes our home again rather than a school/office.

It has been a tough and strange start to this year, however, it can only get better!

Our meal plan last week, went mostly to plan. We did move things around a little but that is fine as long as there is no food waste. This week is a really easy week on our meal plan, with 2 takeaways lined up. 1 is for school report day, a little tradition we have and the other is Daddy Vs Work’s birthday. There is no new meals in this weeks plan, as I just want a little less stress to deal with this week.

Here is our meal plan for this week:

Our meal plan – 08/03/21


Takeaway – It is school report day!

Tuesday –

Chicken with a Mediterranean tray bake – Easy but packed full of vegetables!

Wednesday –

Smoked haddock & new potatoes – This is a simple dinner buy again super tasty.

Thursday –

Spaghetti bolognaise – Already made, just need to cook some spaghetti.

Friday –

Takeaway – It is Daddy Vs Work’s birthday so we are having our traditional takeaway.

Saturday –

Burger and chips – These are always popular as the kids can pick what they want in their own burgers.

Sunday –

Roast or stew – Depending on what I can order with the shopping this week.

As I said, an easy meal plan for this week. With us returning to work/school though, we just want to make it easy for us in the evenings. If you want a treat and have never used Uber Eats before, you can get £10 off your first order over £15 using this code – eats-paulam15650ui

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration. If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration!

Our weekly meal plan - 08/12/21

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