Good evening and welcome back to our latest meal plan. I’m a bit behind at the minute with blog bits which is why this post is a little later than usual!
I feel lately that our days are just merging into one and I have no routine in place or plans at the minute. With the school holidays just around the corner though I plan to use some of that time to get myself organised and back on track for the new term, plus it is then only 5 weeks until the 2 week Easter break!
With the week not really going to plan already and the lack of time, this week I am keeping it simple. There is no fancy dishes, no new meals.
Just firm family favourites that require minimum effort!
Our meal plan – 11/02/19:
Monday –
Something lazy – I’ve not been feeling too great today so something quick it is.
Tuesday –
Beef Hache steaks, potato and veg – Quick, easy and tasty!
Wednesday –
Sausage, egg and beans – Again another favourite but so simple to do.
Thursday –
Lemon chicken and rice – Easy to make but yummy.
Friday –
Takeaway – Kids will be picking.
Saturday –
Pigs in blanket toad in the hole – Still got some Christmas meats to use up from the freezer.
Sunday –
Roast – As per usual
There we have it, our meal plan for the week.
Nothing but tasty family favourites this week as we just crawl our way to the half term break!
What do you have cooking this week? You can check out our previous meal plans here or if you are after more inspiration why not check out our Pinterest, we have lots of recipes and inspiration pinned.