Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Our weekly meal plan – 11th April 2022

Good morning and welcome back to this week’s meal plan.

By now I think everyone is on the Easter break, some of the lucky ones are just beginning but if you are like us, you will be starting week 2, so whatever you might have planned, I hope it is a good one.

We have been pretty good lately at using up what we have ordered, not always in the order that we had planned but I have tried really hard to cut down the food waste over the last week and it has paid off. There was a time when I used up whatever was left for pasta at lunch and it turned out ok, but I was the only one that ate it so not sure if that was a sign!

This week Ethan has offered to cook dinner one day, he has gone for tuna pasta bake as it is pretty simple but anything to get them in the kitchen and starting to cook is a winner in my books. I am going to start learning to cook a bit more too, with plans to teach myself how to make pasta from scratch and also to make Chinese dumplings. It won’t be easy I am sure but if I am teaching the kids to cook, I feel there is a lot more I could teach myself to.

Our weekly meal plan - 11th April 2022

We were going to try a week of new meals this week but things have changed and I am going to go stick to the basics, we are having a new dish tonight though. I have made various versions of risotto in the past but this one will be a bit of a mix and match of those dishes.

Anyway, let’s get back to this week’s meal plan.

Our weekly meal plan – 11/04/22

Monday –

Mushroom, asparagus and bacon risotto – I am using up some bits we have in the house for this dish. It will be a combination of recipes to create this one but it should be good.

Tuesday –

Dinner out – It is our wedding anniversary today and we are out for some family time and a lunch date somewhere so likely to not be wanting to eat by the time we get home.

Wednesday –

Tuna pasta bake – Ethan is making this tonight so looking forward to seeing how it comes out.

Thursday –

Chicken kiev’s and waffles – Super simple but should be delicious.

Friday –

Fish and chips – Again this is a meal from the freezer using up some of the bits that we have in there. I plan on just keeping it simple today and getting ready for the weekend.

Saturday –

Takeaway – We have family over for a cards night so we will order something for everyone.

Sunday –

Roast lamb – If we can get some lamb in for Easter then we will have this for dinner, if not it will be a straightforward roast dinner.

Our weekly meal plan - 11th April 2022

I might try and get organised this week and look to order a Hello Fresh box for next week as our first week back at work is always the hardest to get back into the swing of it all. I just find it all being prepared for us so much easier to deal with when I get home from work.

What is your go-to meal after a busy day?

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration. If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

Our weekly meal plan - 11th April 2022