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Our weekly meal plan – 12/11/18

Our weekly meal plan – 12/11/18

Good morning and welcome back to our latest meal plan.

Last weeks meal plan was terrible, we had too many lazy days which ended up in a takeaway or something quick from the freezer. So this week I really want to get back into our meal planning and ensure we are eating good meals every day without breaking the bank.

With that in mind, I am going for quick meals to make but ones that are family favourites too so I am saving on stress and effort.

This is what we have on this weeks meal plan:

Monday –

 Chicken stir-fry – Easy, quick and fast. Here’s to hoping the kids eat it!

Tuesday –

Sausage, eggs, chips and beans – This is one meal I know everyone will eat.

Wednesday –

Tacos – I like this meal as it is quick to make but as the kids call it a choosing dinner I find they eat more as they create their own tacos.

Thursday –

Pepperoni pizza pasta – Never did try this last week so it’s on the menu again.

Friday –

Stuffed chicken – We never did have it last week so it is back for another attempt!

Saturday –

Stuffed chicken pittas and wedges – A bit like kebabs but with little effort.

Sunday –

Eating out – We have booked our afternoon tea which we were kindly brought as a gift but the only slot I could get was 3 pm so it will be a bit of an early dinner.

I know I should be trying to mix up our meals a bit however at the moment we have missed so many meals off the meal plan the first priority is just getting back on track! If you have some great family favourites feel free to share the links below, I would love to see them 🙂

You can check out our other meal plans here if you are after some inspiration. If not, why not check out our Pinterest as I have lots of yummy recipes pinned.

Our weekly meal plan 12th November 2018

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