Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Our weekly meal plan – 17/02/20

Our weekly meal plan – 17/02/20

Good afternoon and welcome back to today’s meal plan post.

It is a bit delayed today, firstly because I am not very organised and secondly it is the holidays and I had booked things such as appointments and eye tests etc as it is the only time we can get them booked in!

Last week’s meal plan, pretty much went to plan. We did end up switching a couple of things around but that is fine with me as long as they get eaten. This week I am taking the kids on a trip to Costco, who needs expensive days out at theme parks and zoos when you can go to Costco right?! We need to top up on various things but mainly meat and fish for our freezer and this should see us through for a while. However, I always top up on things like washing powder and toilet rolls etc at the same time.

Our meal plan – 17/02/20

Monday –

Pizza – Easy dinner after what has been a pretty busy day.

Tuesday –

Spaghetti bolognaise – Already made and frozen so I can’t wait to have this easy dinner.

Wednesday –

Cod, new potatoes and vegetables – Trying to eat a little cleaner and incorporate fish into our diet more.

Thursday –

Pukka pie & potatoes – Yummy, can’t wait to have these.

Friday –

Cuban beef and rice – I have a portion of this in the freezer to use up.

Saturday –

Fry up – We have a bit of everything in the freezer so going to make sure they are all used up.

Sunday –

Slow cooker lamb shanks – These were delicious the last time I made these, looking forward to them again.

I am going to use this week to start looking at some family-friendly recipes that are also a bit healthier on the waistline. I don’t want ones that are hugely complicated either, let’s face it after a busy day at work the last thing I want to do is be in the kitchen!

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration.

Our weekly meal plan - 17th February 2020


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