Good evening and welcome back to a slightly later than usual meal plan!
I am going to hold my hands up and say I am completely uninspired by my meal planning this week. I just can’t get motivated, I feel like we are stuck a bit with our meal plans and what we are eating. I’m not sure if part of it has come from how busy the last few weeks have been. With time flying by we have been having lazy meals just to save time, not that there is anything wrong with this, it just doesn’t make you look forward to dinner!
This week I am going to stick with the basic meals that I know we will enjoy and then spend the week on the hunt for a bit more inspiration.
For now though, here is our meal plan for this week.
Our meal plan – 17/06/19:
Monday –
Chilli con Carne – We have a portion in the freezer so this is an easy meal for us.
Tuesday –
Chicken Katsu curry – This was delicious last week so looking forward to having this again.
Wednesday –
Pasta – I am thinking chorizo spaghetti again but will see what we have nearer the time.
Thursday –
Keema curry – Again another easy meal we love but also tasty.
Friday –
Peri-peri burgers – We never did have these so looking forward to them this week.
Saturday –
Cod and potatoes – Nice and easy.
Sunday –
Roast chicken & all the trimmings – Looking forward to a nice roast!
Like I said earlier I am looking forward to a simple week so I can plan ahead for the rest of the month.
What are you cooking this week? If you are looking for inspiration you can read my meal plans from previous weeks here or check out my Pinterest for more inspiration.