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Our weekly meal plan – 18th April 2022

Welcome back to another week’s meal plan and my apologies it has been so quiet over here. The holidays are drawing to a close and we’ve just been relaxing or catching up with things around the house and the blog has kind of taken a little bit of a back burner.

We are back though and I am going to try the juggling act again with all the bits that need to keep going, alongside making sure we move forward with some of the plans we have made.

Over the weekend we had our roast lamb and it was delicious. I don’t usually buy a lamb joint for us as it is just too expensive for an everyday meal however I do try to do a roast lamb on Easter weekend and it didn’t disappoint! The joint I brought this weekend has given us enough leftover for a curry tonight too.

I am trying to mix up our dishes this week but am also very aware of the rising cost of food so trying to make sure we are using what we need and not wasting any food. Lunches will be simple sandwiches, yoghurt or jelly with fruit too.

Our weekly meal - 18th April 2022

Anyway, let’s get back to what we have cooking this week.

Our weekly meal plan – 18/04/22

Monday –

Leftover lamb curry – I will be using this leftover curry recipe but just switching out the chicken for lamb. We are going to be busy in the garden today so I will be sticking this in the slow cooker later in the day so it is ready when we come in.

Tuesday –

Honey chilli beef noodles – We are back at work today after two weeks off, so I’m thinking it is time for some slow cooker meals to make life a bit easier today. This is a recipe I found on Instagram and it looks delicious so I can’t wait to try it out.

Wednesday –

Chicken fajitas – Super quick and easy, which is just what we will need after a busy day back at school. Minimal fuss and effort, which is just perfect.

Thursday –

Spaghetti Bolognaise – I am going to bulk this out so it does a few meals for the freezer too. It is such a great meal to bulk cook and it freezes great too.

Friday –

Takeaway – End of the week treat which is very much needed.

Saturday –

Tacos – This is a dish the kids love and one that is pretty simple to make too. Their favourite part is being able to pick and choose what they want in the tacos!

Sunday –

Pie – Depending on what we fancy I will either go for cottage pies or a chicken pie with shortcrust pastry.

Our weekly meal - 18th April 2022

It is a week of mixed meals from favourites to bulk cooking and a new recipe too. I am trying to find the balance for us all whilst trying to keep the food costs down, which is easier said than done!

Going forward I think there will need to be a mix of pasta dishes and even some freezer favourites in the mix as eating freshly cooked meals every day is starting to really hit the budget, especially when you throw into the mix the amount of fruit that gets eaten in this household. What is your favourite budget-friendly meal?

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration. If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

Our weekly meal - 18th April 2022

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