Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Our weekly meal plan – 20/12/21

Good morning and welcome back to another weekly meal plan, even though I did miss last weeks one.

The last few weeks of work have been chaotic and it has been hard to keep organised so I gave up trying last week. We just ate whatever we fancied and we have gone into the Christmas break looking forward to taking some time out and some good food.

I am pretty much set for Christmas now, just waiting for our turkey to arrive from Musclefood and we should be good to go. With no plans apart from lazy days and training our new puppy, I am very much looking forward to taking that slower approach to life for the next couple of weeks. What are your plans for Christmas?

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This week in the build-up to Christmas we are going to use up some bits we have in the freezer ready to clear out for the new year. It is not going to be anything special but the food we all love and enjoy. I am also going to try and plan our meals for the next few weeks as I have a food shop coming to this Wednesday and then that is it until the new year. It is a great time for us to run down the contents of our kitchen ready for the new year.

Anyway, let’s get back to this weeks meal plan.

Our weekly meal plan – 20/12/21

Monday –

Tuna pasta bake – Super simple but delicious. I very rarely use packet mixes but this one is always a winner in this house so I am happy with that.

Tuesday –

Fry up – The kids love a fry up as I let them pick which bits they want and they don’t want. I love a fry up as it makes it easy to use up things such as mushrooms, eggs and tomatoes!

Wednesday –

Chilli burritos – Using up a portion of chilli from the freezer, all I need to do is cook some fresh rice.

Thursday –

Toad in the hole – I really can’t remember the last time I made this, I keep saying I am going to make it but it never really happens. It will be a tasty meal that is for sure and I plan on doing it with a little bit of mash.

Friday –

Takeaway – It is a tradition in this house to have a takeaway on Christmas eve. We always prepare our dinner for the next day and then have a takeaway so we don’t need to worry about washing up before the big day itself.

Saturday –

Christmas dinner with all the trimmings! – It is very rare that I do 3-course meals but Christmas dinner day is one of those days, we will have a full belly by the end of the day and no doubt will need a nap.

Sunday –

Boxing day buffet – This is all about the leftovers, there will be turkey and pickles and fresh-baked bread. Not to mention I may make a few sausage rolls using up the pork mince we get with our Christmas hamper. Everyone can just tuck into whatever they like with no pressure to eat anything.

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I am really looking forward to taking some time out and enjoying being able to cook this week, I am hoping it gets me inspired to get back into meal planning in the new year. Whatever your plans are for the Christmas period, we wish you all a safe and healthy festive period.

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration. If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

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