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Our Weekly Meal Plan – 20th February 2023

Happy Monday, I hope you had a lovely half-term break; if it is your half-term this week, enjoy it. We are back with yet another meal plan, it seems like they are almost on repeat!

We are back to reality this morning with work and school as we look to get back into the swing of things with a busy few months coming up. From trips to birthdays and a new job, the next 6 weeks are probably going to be the busiest weeks of the year. With this in mind, I am planning on keeping the meal plan as easy as I can this week and seeing how we get on.

I am going to be a little more flexible with meals too and keep some quick options in the freezer should we have a busy night arise during the week.

This week’s meals are quick dinner options throughout the week, with a little treat towards the end of the week as we catch up with friends and then with family.

Last week’s meals were ok, just the usuals to be fair. We do need to start being a little more adventurous and I read something on Twitter last week about a family trying a different meal from around the world every week. This sounds like a great way to introduce a different type of meal every week without making too much fuss. It also could get everyone involved in choosing a different destination each week.

Our Weekly Meal Plan - 20th February 2023

For now, though, let’s see what we have planned for this week.

Our weekly meal plan – 20/02/23

Monday –

Chicken kebabs – Homemade kebabs with sweet potatoes. This is the same dish as last week, it is just a big hit and so easy to make. I will serve it this week with sweet potato chunks and salad.

Tuesday –

Pancakes – I almost forgot it was pancake day! Our household goes through so many pancakes. I spend probably about an hour cooking pancakes from when we start and they all demolish about 10 pancakes each!

Wednesday –

Spaghetti Bolognese – This will be a bulked-out dinner option with carrots, tomatoes and mushrooms used to bulk out the dinner and make enough for another portion later in the month.

Thursday –

Chicken curry – Simple but delicious and the whole lot will be demolished!

Friday –

Eating out – We are catching up with friends so it will be a night off cooking for us.

Saturday –

Takeaway – Tonight we are catching up with family so there will probably be a takeaway for us.

Sunday –

Roast or stew – I am thinking of maybe making a stew but it will be based on what I can get from the supermarket on offer this week.

Our Weekly Meal Plan - 20th February 2023

It is going to be a week of great meals for us and I have tried to make it as easy as possible where I can. The busiest night for me without a doubt will be the pancakes, ironically I don’t even like pancakes so have to make something different for myself after cooking all the pancakes!

Over the coming weeks, I am going to try the around-the-world way of eating and look forward to trying some new dishes to try. I’ll share how we get on with those dishes and others that we may try as we go along. I’d love to hear your favourite dishes from around the world that you have tried in the past.

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

Our Weekly Meal Plan - 20th February 2023

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