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Our weekly meal plan – 22/06/20

Our weekly meal plan – 22/06/20

Good afternoon and welcome back to our weekly meal plan.

The last week passed in such a blur, I can’t even remember what I did, other than making it from one day to the next! I am very much looking forward to the summer break now which is only 4 weeks away or 19 working days after today. It will just mean a bit of a chance to refresh, recharge and getting ready to start again.

Last week’s meal plan was a little all over the place, I’m hoping this week’s one goes a little better, to be honest. However, with so much on last week, I didn’t even meal plan properly so who knows how this week is going to turn out. The good news is though, the sunshine is back and that means we can get a bit more fresh air out in the garden!

Here is what we have cooking this week.

Our meal plan – 22/06/20

Monday –

Salmon & veg – Back to trying to get a little more fish back in our diet.

Tuesday –

Chicken pasta bake  – We didn’t try this last week so let’s give it a go this week!

Wednesday –

 Sausage and chips – Easy and quick.

Thursday –

 Chicken wraps – Love these and they don’t take too long to cook.

Friday –

Takeaway – It’s going to be hot but it is the last Friday of the month and that means it treats time!

Saturday –

 BBQ – It rained last week when we had one planned so fingers crossed for this week!

Sunday –

Spaghetti bolognaise – This is in the freezer so a quick dinner all round here.

Meal planning after doing the shopping is not ideal however it is not a bad week of meals! It is going to be hot here this week though so let’s see how this all pans out.

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration.

Our weekly meal plan - 22nd June 2020


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