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Our weekly meal plan – 26/11/18

Our weekly meal plan – 26/11/18

Good morning and welcome back to our last meal plan of November.

I know I have said it so much recently but where has the last year gone? It just feels like it has flown by. There has been so much going on in the last few months it just feels like our weeks have merged into one.

We are now quite busy between now and Christmas with lots coming up so we are just going to stick to family favourites and meals that freeze well so we can batch cook some meals for the coming weeks. Last weeks meal plan wasn’t too bad, we did stick to it most days and only had 1 takeaway which was yesterday, however, this was simply due to the amount we did yesterday. Neither of us could be bothered to cook by the time we got to dinner time!

Here is our meal plan for this week:

Monday –

Chicken pie & potatoes – I did our weekly shop at Asda this week and picked up their puff pastry chicken pie in the Fridge section, we’ve had them before and they are delicious! I am going to serve this with roast new potatoes made in our Halo. I brought a Halo last year in the Amazon sale and I love it, put in new potatoes, with a little oil, salt and pepper then you get delicious mini jacket potatoes!

Tuesday –

Eating out – Ethan and I are off to the football tonight and dinner will be being provided so we are eating out, whilst Daddy Vs Work and Kayleigh have something yummy at home.

Wednesday –

Mexican tortilla baskets – We tried this recipe from Eat Well For Less and loved it so plan to make it again this week, it is great the next day too.

Thursday –

Pasta – Again another quick dish but I will decide on the day what we will have with the pasta.

Friday –

Ethan’s choice – We have started letting the kids take it, in turn, to pick dinner on a Friday. This week is Ethan’s choice but he still doesn’t know what he wants.

Saturday –

Spaghetti bolognaise and garlic bread – We have a guest for dinner tonight so sticking with a firm favourite!

Sunday –

Sunday roast – This will be dependant on what we are able to order in this week.

I am looking forward to this week’s meals, they are all quick and simple to do. Plus I know that anything we have leftovers for can easily be eaten the next day or frozen ready for another time which limits waste. If you are looking for inspiration why not check out our other weekly meal plans here.

Our weekly meal plan 26/11/18

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