Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Our weekly meal plan – 27/12/21

Good morning and welcome back to our last meal plan of 2021!

Firstly, I hoped you all had the best Christmas break possible. This year has not been the year I think we all expected, so for me, spending time as a family as healthy as we could be was all I was hoping for, everything else was a bonus.

Now that is out of the way I am going to say it, how can we be at the end of the year already? It seems to have flown by yet so much has happened this year!

Our weekly meal plan – 271221

As we roll into the new year in a chilled-out style, I am planning on using up what we have in the house this week for the meal plan. Other than a quick pop to the local shop, we have not got any shopping coming till Sunday and our last shop was the Wednesday before Christmas. I am not planning on braving the stores this week as I know it will most probably be busy, so the plan is to have a bit of a clear-out of the freezer and save some cash.

Once we get back into the rhythm of a routine after the break I am going to try and be a bit more organised with our meal plans. I became a bit lazy towards the end of the year and it showed as we spent a fortune on food in the last few weeks before Christmas. We just need to get back into better habits and then things should start to improve.

Anyway, let’s get back to this weeks meal plan.

Our weekly meal plan – 27/12/21

Monday –

Leftover turkey pie – I am skipping the turkey curry this year and going to make a pie. At the minute I am unsure how I am planning on making the filling but I will make it up as I go along and use up what we have in our fridge too.

Tuesday –

Spaghetti bolognese – Super simple as I have a portion of frozen bolognese in the freezer, just got to warm in through and cook some spaghetti.

Wednesday –

Burgers and chips – Again a quick meal from the freezer. I have somehow ended up with odd boxes of burgers in the freezer that need using up to clear some space.

Thursday –

Pork chops, new potatoes and veggies – We brought some pork chops from Costco when we last went and they are delicious. I cook ours in our George Foreman grill as it is easy for us and quick.

Friday –

Takeaway – We would usually have party style food on this day however as I have no plans to head to the supermarket we are just going to order some food.

Saturday –

Roast beef with all the trimmings – I brought a hamper from MuscleFood which was a turkey butterfly and beef joint this year for something different so plan to use the beef for New Years Day.

Sunday –

Chicken curry – I can’t remember the last time I made a curry, so I am looking forward to this. I may even make some homemade naan bread using a recipe I have tried before.

Our weekly meal plan – 271221

This week should use up quite a bit of the item we have in the freezer and hopefully give us a little more space for us going forward. I am going to try and get a bit more creative with our meals and maybe even try out some new dishes like these puffy pea and potato pies! We just need to ensure we stay on the meal planning track and hopefully we won’t end up with a whole freezer of odds and sods going forward!

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration. If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

Our weekly meal plan – 271221