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Our weekly meal plan – 29th May 2023

Happy half term and welcome back to another weekly meal plan!

It is half term here and we are very much looking forward to the slower week plus the alarm not going off at 5.30 for a week! I am also hoping that it may inspire me to cook a little more this week as we have been getting lazier with our food options over the last few weeks.

Our dinner choices over the last few weeks have become more and more limited as time and effort have run out, I just find it so hard to cook a variety of meals every week, when I feel like I am up against it when it comes to time. This week, we are going to just try and stick to some of our favourites but homemade too, this should start to give us a slightly better balance when it comes to our meals.

Our weekly meal plan - 29th May 2023

Let’s get back to our meal plan and see what we have cooking this week.

Our weekly meal plan – 29/05/23

Monday –

Peri peri chicken and homemade chips – This is a simple meal but served with salad and pitta bread, it will be delicious.

Tuesday –

Korean pork and rice – I love the simplicity and quickness of this recipe, which was originally from a Slimming World cookbook. I just serve ours with rice and salad, but it is one of those dishes you could just keep on eating!

Wednesday –

Tuna pasta bake – Back with a kid’s favourite this week, they love it and it makes my life easier cooking this as I know everyone will eat it.

Thursday –

Chicken fajitas – These have not been on the menu for a while but looking forward to having them again. I make sure we pack ours out with lots of veggies to make the chicken go further, simply because the meat is becoming expensive.

Friday –

BBQ – The weather is looking nicer, so planning a delicious BBQ in the sunshine. For ease, it will likely be just burgers, sausages and corn on the cob, but I will see if we maybe can be a little more inspired with our choices.

Saturday –

Slow-cooked chicken curry – For a slower end to the week, I am planning on going for something that requires minimal effort from me but tastes amazing. I use our rogan curry recipe and it is delicious every time. If I can get beef on offer from the shopping, I will use beef for a change, but we shall see what we can get.

Sunday –

Louisiana Style Chorizo Cajun Rice – I am going to try something a little different for dinner tonight. Hopefully, it will be popular as it should be cheaper than dishes with chicken/mince etc but let’s see how it goes.

Our weekly meal plan - 29th May 2023

With the warmer weather coming around, I am going to be looking for meals that require minimal fuss whilst cooking but also do not require all the hobs and oven to be on to make. The last thing I want to be doing in the warmer evenings is standing in the kitchen cooking for a long time. I am also going to start looking at other options for dinners such as homemade koftas or meatballs, these can be made using pork or turkey mince, which is usually cheaper but can also be served with pasta or salad, both of which are also cheaper.

I’d love to hear what your favourite family meals are in the summer, pop a comment in the box below.

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

Our weekly meal plan - 29th May 2023